Board of Zoning Appeals

02meeting5The Board of Zoning Appeals is a 7-member group with three alternate members appointed by the Judge of Circuit Court.  The main purposes of the Board are to interpret the ordinance for appeals and to grant variances from the application of certain requirements of the zoning ordinance. 

The  Board of Zoning Appeals meets the first Tuesday of each month in the Smyth County Board Room at 6:00 PM, if an application for variance and appeal has been submitted. Should no applications be received within the calendar year, the Board will meet on the first Tuesday of January. If the first Tuesday falls on a holiday, then the Board will meet on the second Tuesday. November meetings may be rescheduled due to Election Day.  Contact the Zoning Administrator for filing deadlines.
Robert Shults-Park District
Kim Davidson-Chilhowie District
Newell Johnson-Royal Oak District
Daniel Sturgill-Rye Valley District
Gerald Armstrong-North Fork District
John DeBusk III-Saltville District
Bill Moss, Atkins District
Vacancy, Alternate member
Vacancy, Alternate member
Vacancy, Alternate member