The Camp Convenience Station is closed temporarily due to a power outage and will reopen when power is restored.

Building & Zoning

About Us
The Building and Zoning Department is responsible for issuing permits and conducting inspections for new construction, modifications and other building related activities within Smyth County. The department reviews plans prior to construction and inspects projects at certain phases of the construction process to ensure compliance with local and state standards, and enforces the building, electrical and plumbing codes of Smyth County and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The department is also responsible for the administration of Smyth County's subdivision and zoning ordinances. The department provides assistance to the public on zoning and subdivision issues as well as to the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals and Board of Supervisors. This department is also responsible for investigating violations of the ordinances of Smyth County.
02buildingpermit1In order to purchase a building permit, you will need to provide our office with the following:
  • Building Plans: Check with the building inspector to see if the state code requires your project to have a set of plans designed by an architect or engineer. If plans are required, we will need two weeks to review the plans; or if you prefer, you may send your plans to an approved certified plan reviewer. 
  • Erosion Control Plans: If your project will disturb 10,000 square feet of ground or more, you will need to file an erosion control site plan and narrative. (A single-family dwelling is an exception to this requirement.)
  • Sewage Disposal Permit: If you do not have a connection to a public sewer line, you will need to apply for a septic tank permit from the Smyth County Health Department. Contact our office and we will explain this process to you. 
  • Zoning Permit: We will need a copy of your zoning permit. 
  • Highway Entrance Permit: If your project site is in the county, you may need to obtain a highway entrance permit from the Virginia Department of Transportation. 
  • Flood Elevation Certificate: If your project is located in the floodplain, you may need to employ a surveyor to issue an elevation certificate showing that your floor will be one foot above flood elevation.  The Zoning Department administers the flood ordinance. 
  • Asbestos Report: The state requires an asbestos report on some projects before a building permit is issued. The building inspector will advise you if your project requires an asbestos report. 
  • House Plans Form:  Plans are required on residential buildings but do not have to be designed by an architect. 
Smyth County Building Inspection will explain these state requirements to you. Just ask! We are here to help you.
It is our goal to respond to requests for inspections within two business days. Therefore, you will need to call our office at least two days prior to the date that you would like to schedule your inspection. It is helpful if you provide us with your building permit number as well as the name of the project owner. We realize that your project is important and the timing is critical, so we will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.
The Building Inspection Office enforces...
Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and all codes referenced within: 
  • 2018 Virginia Construction Code 
  • 2018 Virginia Mechanical Code 
  • 2014 National Electrical Code 
  • 2018 Virginia Plumbing Code 
  • 2018 Virginia Residential Code 
  • 2009 ICC/ANSI A117.1 (2009 edition) 
  • 2018 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code 
  • 2018 Virginia Energy Conservation Code
  • 2018 Virginia Fuel Gas Code
  • 2018 Virginia Rehabilitation Code
  • Tank Removal and Installation 
  • Water & Sewer Line Installation

We are located on the first floor of the Smyth County Office Building at 121 Bagley Circle, Suite 120,  Marion, VA Google Map
Our office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.