9-1-1 is the three-digit telephone number that has been designated as the "Universal Emergency Number" for public use throughout the country to report emergencies and request emergency assistance. The benefit of "9-1-1" is that it is easy for anyone to remember (even children) and is quick to dial (or punch!). An Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) System provides computer aided dispatch in which the caller's name and address appear on the dispatcher's screen when the emergency call is made. Emergency personnel responding to the call will be able to locate the residence or business quicker. The display of the caller's address is especially important if the caller cannot communicate this information. Smyth County’s 9-1-1 Center is equipped not only with computers that display the caller’s information but a map providing the exact location of the structure.
Reasons to NOT call 911:
- For information
- When you're bored and just want to talk
- For your pet
- For directory assistance
- To report a crime that occurred yesterday
- As a prank
Communications Division
The Communications Division plays a vital role in the day to day operations of our office. The division is responsible for all incoming emergency and non-emergency communications.
The Sheriff’s Office E-911 Center is manned around the clock, answering calls-for-service for law enforcement, fire & emergency medical services, and animal control. The E-911center is equipped with an automated Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system; a dispatch mapping system, and enhanced wired line 911, which allows Communications Officers to immediately obtain the 911 caller’s address.
E-911 Dispatch is the liaison between the caller and the appropriate help. It is imperative that the dispatcher receives as much precise information as necessary so that they may help in the most efficient manner.

IF YOU CALL 911 BY MISTAKE, DO NOT HANG UP. Tell the dispatcher what happened so they know that there really isn't an emergency. If the dispatcher is unable to verify that no emergency exists, a Deputy Sheriff will be sent to the location.
Contact Us
Address - 819 Matson Drive
Marion, VA 24354
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.